December 2017

Hello everybody!

I think winter is finally here! My Christmas decorations are going up and I’m getting excited for the new year! This month is going to be a blast and I’ll be in Evansville a ton so try and come out and see me.

This last month was a whirl wind to say the least. I’ve been so busy with gigs all over the tri-state, voice lessons, and working on my side projects. I’m very thankful that I’m able to work and provide for myself with music, so if you know any new venues that I should try out, please let me know! Of course you know I’m willing to travel!

This Saturday will be the last time that Deja Blu 5 will be gigging together for awhile. We will be at Ri Ra Evansville, from 9:3012:30, so if everyone could come out and support us, it would mean the world to me! We’ve been gigging regularly together for years now, so it’s going to be a bitter sweet gig for me. But don’t fret, it won’t be the last you hear of Deja Blu 5. We will get together for a few reunion gigs next year. Be sure to be on the look out for upcoming dates!

I hope that everyone has an amazing holiday season and happy new year!!!! Here’s my gigs for December of 2017, so I’ll see you soon!

Friday, December 1st 9-12 am: Rookies Restaurant and Bar, Henderson, KY

Wednesday, December 6th 8-?: Stoner’s Grill (formerly known as Southside Bar), Boonville, IN
-Open mic night
-Always the 1st Wednesday of the month
-All comedians, poets and musicians of all skill level are welcome!

Friday, December 8th 8:30-12:30 am EST: Snaps, Jasper, IN

Saturday, December 9th 9:30-12:30 am: Ri Ra Irish Pub, Evansville, IN w/Deja Blu 5!!!!!
-This is the last show for us for awhile, please come out and see us!

Saturday, December 16th 7-10 pm: Carson’s Brewery, Evansville, IN

Monday, December 18th 5:30-6:30 pm: Oasis Dementia Care, Evansville, IN

Friday, December 22nd 6:30-9:30 pm: Guacamole Grill, Princeton, IN
-In the bar area

Saturday, December 23rd 9-12 am: Ri Ra Irish Pub, Evansville, IN

Friday, December 29th 7-10 pm: Carson’s Brewery, Evansville, IN

Saturday, December 30th 9-12 am: Ri Ra Irish Pub, Evansville, IN

Sunday, December 31st 9-12 am: Tennyson American Legion, Tennyson, IN
-New Years Eve bash!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!!!!

Angel Rhodes
[email protected]